Sunday, June 14, 2009

Happy New Year

...Might seem like a strange title for a mid-June post. Allow me to explain...we just got a new calendar. Yep. Until a few days ago, hanging in our kitchen was some winter scape and a row of boxes for December, 2008. I'm not exactly sure how it happened. Maybe I got too busy in the pre-Christmas shopping to pick one up? Maybe because we were travelling over the official New Year, so I wasn't out bargain shopping. Maybe I was relying on mom to get me one--although it's been years since she's abandoned that tradition. I guess I always figured at some point I'd be at the huge calendar kiosk in the mall, picking one up for 50% off...and then I never did. And let me tell you, this family needs a calendar!

So, since I had pictures on my mind this week, I went to Wallgreens on the web, uploaded a bunch of pictures, and ordered a calendar that runs from June-May. How fun is that? And they are all family Disney pictures, since we're one year away from our BIG vacation next year. (Dear followers, you may sicken of my Disney-esque dreams throughout the year...sorry!)

The point is, I'm huge believer in beginnings. I think every day is the first day of a new year. We have so many jumping off points--First Day of Summer, First Day of a New Age (as in birthday), First Day of School--so now I have a calendar that celebrates my year--stocked with images of memories upon memories.

How about you? Do you keep a family calendar? And do you theme it to your decor? Your passions? Or whatever freebie the bank gave away?


  1. I made a family calendar on for us and the grandparents for Christmas last year. We love it. It is all done in our kids pictures and the happenings of the previous year.
    Now the pocket calendar in my work bag... my like would hault if I lost it!

  2. Yeah--I'm thinking photo calendars are the way to go. The price is the same as any other quality calendar, and it's a great way to get those unused pics off your computer!
